Mini magazine @NWYRK launched at Instagram Stories

With over 20.000 followers on Instagram and rapid growth the past months, NWYRK Media launched the first mini magazine on Instagram Stories named ‘@NWYRK’. This new magazine is focused on hotspots, hidden gems, New York photography and mini articles, specially designed and created to be distributed through the Stories feature of Instagram.

“With the launch of @NWYRK we welcome yet again a new form of distributing our content in an unique way. Our reach on Instagram has accelerated and will continue to grow next months”
Sebastiaan Klijnen – CEO NWYRK Media

On the day of the release, @NWYRK generated over 40.000 reach, dozens of excited messages and was awarded with over 93% satisfaction by it’s readers (through the Instagram Poll feature).

The next edition of @NWYRK is due October 20th onĀ


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